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Seja bem-vindo a galeria de fotos do Amber Heard Brasil, a sua maior e melhor fonte brasileira sobre a atriz. Aqui você encontrará uma variedade de imagens da Amber como photoshoots, imagens de eventos e muito mais. Somos um site sem fins lucrativos criado e mantido por fãs que não possui qualquer ligação com Amber Heard , sua família ou seus representantes. Todo o conteúdo original aqui apresentado pertence ao site, a não ser que seja informado o contrário. Nenhuma violação de direitos autorais é pretendida, nós NÃO reivindicamos ou possuímos direito de propriedade sobre nenhuma das fotos em nossa galeria, as mesmas pertencem aos seus respectivos donos legítimos e estão sendo usadas de acordo com a Fair Use Law § 107. Caso algum conteúdo ou foto aqui disponibilizado ou demonstrado seja de sua autoria e você gostaria que fosse removido, entre em contato conosco antes de tomar qualquer ação legal.

Inicio > Redes Sociais > Instagram (amberheard) > 2017 > Agosto

133 visualizado (s)''Behind the seams
87 visualizado (s)''La vie en rose(petals)''
72 visualizado (s)''BBQ dance party, whaaaaat.....''
110 visualizado (s)''Put a fork in it 📸:@jessicakovacevic''
37 visualizado (s)"Being in the public eye means having to explain yourself to so many people, so much of the time. In this case, I'd like to remain more quiet. Although we have broken up, Elon and I care deeply for one another and remain close. Thank you for the continued support, respect, and privacy during these difficult, very human times."
34 visualizado (s)"Being in the public eye means having to explain yourself to so many people, so much of the time. In this case, I'd like to remain more quiet. Although we have broken up, Elon and I care deeply for one another and remain close. Thank you for the continued support, respect, and privacy during these difficult, very human times."
36 visualizado (s)"Get it Gina!"
164 visualizado (s)"When you know your lipstick is smeared but you have to smile"
80 visualizado (s)''13 years of friendship plus 24 hours of flying equals 1 girl, who's lucky enough to have a friend come to see her when she needed it most. Te quiero, amigo. No te vayas! @rafaelo''
89 visualizado (s)"Always carrying.... (at least almost, always) 📸tasyavanree"
45 visualizado (s)"Lip service
52 visualizado (s)"Happiest birthday to My Rock @hanumanheartyoga. Yet another year under our belts. Now we've spent more life years together than apart (28, again?!) - I wouldn't be who I am today without you - and all the memories, fun, support, laughs, tears, trials, love, and adventures we've shared. Over half our lives spent attached at the hip and heart. You are my life's longest love. I am so lucky to be able to call you my best friend. Here's to another year of co-piloting life with my rock, my best, my lighthouse."
51 visualizado (s)"Happiest birthday to My Rock @hanumanheartyoga. Yet another year under our belts. Now we've spent more life years together than apart (28, again?!) - I wouldn't be who I am today without you - and all the memories, fun, support, laughs, tears, trials, love, and adventures we've shared. Over half our lives spent attached at the hip and heart. You are my life's longest love. I am so lucky to be able to call you my best friend. Here's to another year of co-piloting life with my rock, my best, my lighthouse."
69 visualizado (s)"Happiest birthday to My Rock @hanumanheartyoga. Yet another year under our belts. Now we've spent more life years together than apart (28, again?!) - I wouldn't be who I am today without you - and all the memories, fun, support, laughs, tears, trials, love, and adventures we've shared. Over half our lives spent attached at the hip and heart. You are my life's longest love. I am so lucky to be able to call you my best friend. Here's to another year of co-piloting life with my rock, my best, my lighthouse."
69 visualizado (s)"Happiest birthday to My Rock @hanumanheartyoga. Yet another year under our belts. Now we've spent more life years together than apart (28, again?!) - I wouldn't be who I am today without you - and all the memories, fun, support, laughs, tears, trials, love, and adventures we've shared. Over half our lives spent attached at the hip and heart. You are my life's longest love. I am so lucky to be able to call you my best friend. Here's to another year of co-piloting life with my rock, my best, my lighthouse."
77 visualizado (s)"Happiest birthday to My Rock @hanumanheartyoga. Yet another year under our belts. Now we've spent more life years together than apart (28, again?!) - I wouldn't be who I am today without you - and all the memories, fun, support, laughs, tears, trials, love, and adventures we've shared. Over half our lives spent attached at the hip and heart. You are my life's longest love. I am so lucky to be able to call you my best friend. Here's to another year of co-piloting life with my rock, my best, my lighthouse."
78 visualizado (s)"Happiest birthday to My Rock @hanumanheartyoga. Yet another year under our belts. Now we've spent more life years together than apart (28, again?!) - I wouldn't be who I am today without you - and all the memories, fun, support, laughs, tears, trials, love, and adventures we've shared. Over half our lives spent attached at the hip and heart. You are my life's longest love. I am so lucky to be able to call you my best friend. Here's to another year of co-piloting life with my rock, my best, my lighthouse."
66 visualizado (s)"Happiest birthday to My Rock @hanumanheartyoga. Yet another year under our belts. Now we've spent more life years together than apart (28, again?!) - I wouldn't be who I am today without you - and all the memories, fun, support, laughs, tears, trials, love, and adventures we've shared. Over half our lives spent attached at the hip and heart. You are my life's longest love. I am so lucky to be able to call you my best friend. Here's to another year of co-piloting life with my rock, my best, my lighthouse."
60 visualizado (s)"Happiest birthday to My Rock @hanumanheartyoga. Yet another year under our belts. Now we've spent more life years together than apart (28, again?!) - I wouldn't be who I am today without you - and all the memories, fun, support, laughs, tears, trials, love, and adventures we've shared. Over half our lives spent attached at the hip and heart. You are my life's longest love. I am so lucky to be able to call you my best friend. Here's to another year of co-piloting life with my rock, my best, my lighthouse."
98 visualizado (s)"Happiest birthday to My Rock @hanumanheartyoga. Yet another year under our belts. Now we've spent more life years together than apart (28, again?!) - I wouldn't be who I am today without you - and all the memories, fun, support, laughs, tears, trials, love, and adventures we've shared. Over half our lives spent attached at the hip and heart. You are my life's longest love. I am so lucky to be able to call you my best friend. Here's to another year of co-piloting life with my rock, my best, my lighthouse."
157 visualizado (s)"No caption necessary"
21 Fotos em 1 página(s)

Layout criado e desenvolvido por lannie d.