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Seja bem-vindo a galeria de fotos do Amber Heard Brasil, a sua maior e melhor fonte brasileira sobre a atriz. Aqui você encontrará uma variedade de imagens da Amber como photoshoots, imagens de eventos e muito mais. Somos um site sem fins lucrativos criado e mantido por fãs que não possui qualquer ligação com Amber Heard , sua família ou seus representantes. Todo o conteúdo original aqui apresentado pertence ao site, a não ser que seja informado o contrário. Nenhuma violação de direitos autorais é pretendida, nós NÃO reivindicamos ou possuímos direito de propriedade sobre nenhuma das fotos em nossa galeria, as mesmas pertencem aos seus respectivos donos legítimos e estão sendo usadas de acordo com a Fair Use Law § 107. Caso algum conteúdo ou foto aqui disponibilizado ou demonstrado seja de sua autoria e você gostaria que fosse removido, entre em contato conosco antes de tomar qualquer ação legal.

Last updated albums - Twitter (realamberheard)
2019817 viewsNov 24, 2020
2018699 viewsLove how I spent the evening talking about ⁦@aquamanmovie⁩ and how my baby sis is about to pop any second ⁦@latelateshow⁩ tonight and now I’m rushing to the hospital to watch my nephew come into the world!Jan 21, 2019
2017287 views"For the record, this was our FULL joint statement.To pick&choose certain lines & quote them out of context, is not right.Women, stay strong."Apr 26, 2018

Home > Redes Sociais > Twitter (realamberheard)
Category Albums Files



13 files, last one added on Apr 26, 2018
Album viewed 287 times



80 files, last one added on Jan 21, 2019
Album viewed 699 times



69 files, last one added on Nov 24, 2020
Album viewed 817 times

3 albums on 1 page(s)

Random files - Twitter (realamberheard)
45 viewsThank you ⁦@JeffFlake⁩ for giving so many voices the dignity of considering their truth as legitimate as his. I hope you keep thinking about the world your daughter will inherit
@JeffFlake I’d like to thank u & the generosity of the hard-working, intelligent & compassionate aids & staff u have wrking n ur office, w/ whom i had the honor & pleasure of spending most of my day. Thnx 4 hearing your constituents who r survivors too – em Russell Senate Building

24 views"All in 11.17
28 viewsIf u believe in:
immigrants' rts
disability rts
the right to privacy
voting rts
ending mass incarceration
reproductive freedom
net neutrality
police accountability
ending solitary confinement
legalizing marijuana
Donate @ACLU http://www.aclu.org/million #GivingTuesday
34 viewsNow that’s how you see couture! Stunning display of fashion week in paris by the genius #pierpaolopiccioli for @MaisonValentino
39 views"When in Jordan..... Petra, you’ll never see anything like it."
33 viewsI'm in Mexico visiting ⁦@Smiletrain⁩ and patients to see firsthand all the wonderful work they do for children with clefts. Want to know how you can help? Donate to ⁦@Smiletrain⁩
29 views"Aside from saving innumerable lives of the world’s most vulnerable people,....they also have t shirts! Support @sams_usa"
33 viewshttps://news.sky.com/video/amber-heard-on-gender-branding-and-feminism-11528853
28 views"Today is International Day to End Violence against Women, kicking off #16Days of Activism. B a part of the #generationequality & stand up 2 end rape culture #orangetheworld @UN_Women"
49 views"Stolen moment caught arriving ⁦@sams_usa⁩ gala where we honored the our recent womens mission & the amazing work, resilience & strength found n the women affected x the Syrian refugee crisis despite the unbelievable obstacles they face. Truly inspiring"
71 views"The stories we tell matter, especially the ones we tell our youth #CinderellaLiberator is a stunning exmpl of how talking lizards,cakes, misguided stepsiss & even a prince Nevermind can reframe sum of our most iconic tradtnl narrtives @haymarketbooks"
72 views"Thank u Yasmeen 4 my #NotYourHabibti jacket but mostly 4 all the work u do 4 young women n Palestine & beyond.. so proud 2 support u n helping women find thr “fists”! We sold live n a world where we CAN move & dress the way we want & not have 2 apologize 4 it"
31 views"So proud to be here ⁦@Festival_Cannes⁩ with L’Oreal to proudly walk the carpet with ⁦⁦@imcoreyrae⁩ in⁩ honor of #IDAHOTB2019 & all my trans brothers & sisters. Trans rights are human rights. ⁦@UNHumanRights⁩ ⁦@free_equal⁩"
35 views"Water break
35 views"Kneading Syrian cooking lessons woth ⁦@sams_usa⁩"
22 views#RiseUp Pennsylvania: Please tell @GovernorTomWolf & Judiciary Chair Ron Marsico to pass the Sexual Assault Survivors' Bill of Rights (SB 742) for the 2 million survivors today!
72 views"Stolen moment on set today with the great @kurtiswarienko"

Last viewed - Twitter (realamberheard)
50 views"Love my ⁦⁦@lorealparis family. I dont get paid 4 what I say on TW & am not expected 2. I just love it when a corp stand x their public-facing ethos(BTS) >1yr ago I met ⁦@HoLLyCCRi⁩ foundr of ⁦@CCRInitiative⁩ thru #WomenofWorth & got these n support of my NYT"Jan 12, 2025 at 11:27 AM
50 viewsGood news: cool free toiletries bag compliments of @British_Airways , bad news; it’s in lieu of my actual bag that they can’t find. This should make my week at speaking The Hague even more interesting.... – em Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS)

Jan 12, 2025 at 11:26 AM
51 views"For the record, this was our FULL joint statement.To pick&choose certain lines & quote them out of context, is not right.Women, stay strong."Dec 08, 2024 at 01:23 AM
36 viewsSo glad to have my baby back
Dec 08, 2024 at 01:21 AM
111 viewsHeaded to Tijuana to meet with people on the ground who are living in the middle of the ongoing crisis that still desperately needs our aid, attention & support @thisisabouthumanityDec 08, 2024 at 01:20 AM
27 views"Thank you for the incredible honor ⁦@giffonifilmfest.
Crazy that the best +most interesting questions I’ve gotten in a very long time came from the young minds of the attendees (who were all under the age of 20)! Thank u!"
Dec 08, 2024 at 01:19 AM

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